Object Finding Spread

Suitable for finding a love interest & destined person

The Object Finding Spread is specifically designed for divination about future love interests and is suitable for finding an ideal partner. This spread not only helps single individuals create a vision of their desired person but also assists in determining their own goals. It encourages us to prepare ourselves through tarot guidance before setting out to find true love. If you're unsure about what kind of partner you want, this spread can help you organize your thoughts and clarify your expectations. By analyzing your current situation, the qualities of your ideal partner, and possible directions for action, the Object Finding Spread provides comprehensive guidance for finding true love.

PositionPosition MeaningDrawn Card
Represents your current mood and situation-
Represents the person you wish to pursue-
Represents the type of person you dislike-
Represents the actions you should take-
Represents future developments and final outcome-

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