King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

King of Pentacles Tarot Card


Career, ambition, support, skillfulness, determination, reliability


Status, successful person, marketing talent, skilled, down-to-earth, knowledgeable, good for investments, prone to extramarital affairs


Unscrupulous, lacking financial acumen, dangerous interpersonal relationships, beware of getting involved in a love triangle leading to trouble

Card Meaning

The King of Pentacles is a successful ruler who considers his subjects more than himself. He never rushes into war, and when a military expedition is necessary, he analyzes it rationally: 'Do my subjects agree? Will the war bring disaster to my people? Is there a guarantee of victory?' He lists many questions and only goes to war when each question has an affirmative answer, making him both a rational and idealistic ruler. When the King of Pentacles appears in a reading, it suggests that the querent is rational, independent, hardworking, and self-disciplined in their approach to life. In love readings, the appearance of the King of Pentacles may indicate that the querent lacks passion or expresses their feelings in a more reserved manner.

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