Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card


Determination, stubbornness, realism, pessimism, caution


Promising youth, determined goals, emphasis on efficiency, organizer, industrialist, conservative lover


Laziness, casual attitude, overly conservative thinking, carefree, stagnation, possible breakup with lover due to stubbornness

Card Meaning

Among the four Knights in the Minor Arcana, the Knight of Pentacles is relatively conservative. He is very serious, even somewhat rigid. In the image, we can see the Knight of Pentacles riding a black horse, wearing armor and a helmet, looking like a warrior. However, the large black horse symbolizing his will is standing still, waiting for orders from its master. In fact, beneath the Knight of Pentacles' cool exterior lies a passionate heart. Once it erupts, his romance and passion are no less than that of the Knight of Cups. When the Knight of Pentacles appears in a reading, it indicates that the querent is a diligent and realistic person, but when it's time to charge forward, they might sometimes hesitate. In predictions about health, treatment, and other aspects, the Knight of Pentacles indicates a very bright outlook.

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