Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card


Effectiveness, prosperity, practice, practicality, trust


Strong desire for knowledge, excellent mind, scholarly talent, practical, mature beyond years, intellectual


Wastefulness, lack of knowledge, superficiality, narrow vision, energetic, shallow lover

Card Meaning

Compared to the 'problem child' Page of Swords, the Page of Pentacles appears mature and steady beyond their years. From a young age, the Page of Pentacles is good at managing finances, naturally intelligent, and adept at learning. They may not be a leader or a conqueror, but they are definitely a down-to-earth talent. They are very ambitious, knowledgeable, and a natural scholar in certain fields. The Page of Pentacles doesn't lack in life's pleasures; they are kind-hearted and enthusiastic, willing to help others, though somewhat utilitarian. In a reading, the appearance of the Page of Pentacles is definitely good news, indicating that the querent may receive positive news about income. If predicting success in a certain field, the answer is affirmative. If predicting health conditions, it indicates excellent health.

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