Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Wealth, convention, permanence, family property, forming a family, three generations under one roof
Good family circumstances, virtuous wife and filial children, good group cooperation, financial security, traditional marriage, mutual respect and love between spouses
Betrayal, unpleasantness in group cooperation, loss, caution needed in investments, emotional coldness and conflicts
Card Meaning
This card depicts a happy, prosperous family with three generations living together, even the small dog seems to join in the joy. An elderly person with white hair lovingly pats the dog, quietly enjoying their peaceful twilight years. The son and daughter-in-law harmoniously discuss daily life matters. Their child holds onto the mother's dress with one hand and pets a dog with the other, suggesting that everyone goes through life from birth to death, from childhood to old age, and the greatest happiness in life is to be content in both living and dying. When the Ten of Pentacles appears in a reading, it suggests that the querent should follow the inherent laws of development in their dealings and listen to their conscience. In business ventures, they may meet ideal partners. Sometimes it also indicates that in a complex organization or company, the querent should find their proper place. In relationship readings, the Ten of Pentacles often indicates a harmonious love life or marriage, but emotional communication might be relatively lacking or without underlying passion.
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