Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card


Evaluation, transformation, returns, waiting for the right time, don't rush


Hard work eventually pays off, careful evaluation, returns, cautious attitude, don't be too hasty, temporarily disappointed or unsatisfactory love


Excessive effort, ignorance, rash decisions, poor investments, unrequited love

Card Meaning

The figure in the Seven of Pentacles is a young farmer who, after hard work, has finally reaped some rewards. Seven pentacles hang on the vine leaves, but his expression shows a sense of loss. When the Seven of Pentacles appears in a reading, it indicates that the querent's efforts are about to or have already yielded some returns, but these returns are still some distance from the querent's ideal. It suggests that the querent might be at a 'crossroads of happiness' because achieving something is not the end, but the beginning of the next journey. Therefore, the querent needs to have a strategic vision, take time to think carefully, and make longer-term plans and arrangements for their future.

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