Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Wealth, charity, participation, satisfaction
Generosity, popularity, open-mindedness, control over others, honesty, good living conditions
Selfishness, strong jealousy, bad mood, ill-gotten gains, ingratitude, greed
Card Meaning
The man in the Six of Pentacles is clearly wealthy, dressed well in merchant's attire, with two beggars kneeling before him, pitifully extending their hands hoping for alms. The Six of Pentacles carries a strong sociological message: how should social wealth be distributed fairly? Do the wealthy have a moral responsibility to society? Interestingly, while giving alms, the man's left hand holds a scale symbolizing justice. This is a thought-provoking detail, suggesting that even charity should be measured. The amount given cannot be arbitrary, reflecting the power of reason, because charity is just a means, and social idlers or lazy people are not qualified to receive others' charity. There are three figures in the image with two different positions, so when the Six of Pentacles appears in a reading, careful consideration is needed. It could represent that the querent will receive what they want, or it might indicate that the querent may need to give to others, or that they have good financial management skills.
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