Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card


Possession, closed-mindedness, control, holding on, miserliness, clinging


Miserliness, possessiveness, closed-mindedness, ridiculous frugality, penny-pinching, obsessive pursuit of wealth, inheritance issues


Expenses exceeding income, depleting resources, lack of planning, inability to control, poor financial luck, intense material desires leading to failure

Card Meaning

The man in the Four of Pentacles appears to be a typical miser. Wearing a crown and dressed lavishly, he is clearly very wealthy. He has one pentacle on his head, two under his feet, and the chest he's sitting on likely contains even more coins! In the face of wealth, he resembles a startled rabbit, alert and wide-eyed, as if fearing someone might inexplicably take away his fortune. He would likely be devastated to lose even a single coin. To protect his property from loss, he has even moved away from the castle, isolating himself from others and living alone. But is his world truly safe because of this? When the Four of Pentacles appears upright in a reading, it suggests that the querent or someone influencing them, while wealthy, is overly calculative and stingy, not keen on helping others or engaging in charitable activities. It also implies the spiritually impoverished lives of the rich. In relationship readings, the Four of Pentacles may indicate that the querent or their love interest is excessively jealous.

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