Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card


Cooperation, ability, planning, discussion, step-by-step progress


Business opportunities, skillfulness, high standards, talent, successful completion, sense of honor, lack of emotional communication


Incompetence, ordinary person, material loss, immature ideas, ignoring advice, insecure relationships

Card Meaning

A sculptor working in a church receives praise from a nun and a monk. In the image, we can see the nun holding blueprints, checking the progress and quality of the work with the monk. The three have distinct roles and are discussing the renovation, with words of mutual appreciation. The two are expressing admiration for the sculptor's work, and the sculptor is responding both verbally and emotionally to their praise. The Three of Pentacles typically symbolizes team spirit, good cooperation, communication, and coordination. It also represents the recognition and praise of one's skills by others and the resulting spiritual joy. In relationship readings, the Three of Pentacles may suggest that the querent's potential partner could be a colleague or frequent collaborator. It also implies that the querent and their partner may be financially independent, mutually appreciative, but possibly lacking in emotional communication.

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