Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card


Material, status, wealth, prosperity, trust


Material abundance, practicality, prosperity, good fortune, stable life, steady and genuine love


Strong desires, greed, unreasonableness, extravagance, notoriety, extreme emptiness, vulgar romance

Card Meaning

A hand extends from the clouds, holding a golden coin, with lush flora below and white mountains in the distance. The pentacle represents tangible possessions, symbolizing things people eagerly desire in worldly life, such as money and health. However, while pentacles refer to material wealth, they are also closely related to the spiritual world. As we see in the Ace of Pentacles, a white path leads through an archway of evergreen vines to white mountains symbolizing the pure spiritual realm. When the Ace of Pentacles appears upright in a reading, it often indicates that the querent has a new money-making plan or opportunity with a bright outlook. However, effort is required to implement it, otherwise it will remain just a dream. The Ace of Pentacles can also suggest good news such as a raise, promotion, or income. Sometimes it can mean giving a gift to a lover or valuing sensual pleasures.

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