Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Knight of Swords Tarot Card


Direct, knowledgeable, authoritative, arrogant


Frank, challenging, courageous, unstoppable, strong rebound, ruthless yet moving


Rash, overconfident, reckless, emotionally driven, discord in relationships, conflicted lover

Card Meaning

The Knight wields his sword and charges forward bravely, his speed outpacing the swift wind, his passion envied by fierce flames. The Knight is absolutely a reckless youth, pursuing freedom with admirable courage, but often doing more harm than good with good intentions, and sometimes prone to speaking out of turn. Although he lacks rationality, he is capable and particularly skilled with words. When the Knight of Swords appears in a love reading, it may suggest that the querent is somewhat distracted in their romantic pursuits, but still holds a strong attraction for their partner. However, they may not be very compatible, and establishing a long-term relationship might not be realistic.

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