The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers Tarot Card


Choice, love, sexual desire, union, relationships, personal beliefs, values


Choice, trial, health, popularity, charm, increased friendships, good cooperation, sexual desire, innocence and sweet love


Inability to resist temptation, indulgence, fickleness, fading friendships, boredom, quarrels, indecisiveness, wrong decisions, setbacks in love

Card Meaning

The naked man and woman in the image are Adam and Eve. Adam gazes lovingly at Eve, while Eve looks at the angel. They seem new to the world, with candid expressions. Eve appears to be asking the angel to bless their love. This card is interpreted as: 'The alluring bodies of Adam and Eve symbolize youth, innocence, and love before being contaminated by tangible material things.' Although the Lovers card in Tarot is based on this biblical story, it takes more of its extended meaning: choice. If the prediction is not about love, then the meaning is broad, often implying that the person faces a choice and needs to make a judgment, with dual meanings of union and selection. When the Lovers card symbolizes love, it often has connotations of desire, sexual desire, and physicality, which is the difference between it and another card that usually symbolizes love, the Two of Cups.

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