Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Rock bottom, martyrdom, spirit of sacrifice, ending, extremes, danger
Spirit of sacrifice, ruin, hopelessness, danger, misfortune, negativity, emotional dead-end
Sudden change in fortune, turning point, improvement of difficult situation, romantic turnaround
Card Meaning
A man lies face down on the ground with ten swords piercing his back, one of which enters through his ear, presenting a gruesome sight. At first glance, it's clear that the Ten of Swords is a 'bad card'. While the Nine of Swords indicates the most intense degree of inner torment, the Ten of Swords' damage mostly comes from the outside world, referring to the severe consequences caused by all kinds of excessive behavior. As illustrated in this card, one sword is enough to be fatal, why need ten? The appearance of the Ten of Swords may suggest that the querent is severely hurt in life, suffering sudden blows, complete shattering of dreams, and other bad news. Many tarot readers often associate the Ten of Swords with death and bad news, but in fact, like the Death card in the Major Arcana, it rarely symbolizes physical death. It's important not to overlook the positive aspect of this card: the fish-belly white and yellow light breaking through the black sky at the top of the image suggest that dawn is approaching, telling the querent to learn from failure, persevere through pain, and grow from setbacks. Only by experiencing great setbacks can one achieve great success.
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