Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Nine of Swords Tarot Card


Anxiety, distress, guilt, worry, nightmares


Despair, nightmares, suffering, guilt, miscarriage, broken relationships, illness, misfortune caused by a lover


Suspicion, shame, a person with many secrets, indecision, terror, rumors, slander

Card Meaning

A man sits on a bed, covering his face, with the blanket dragged to the floor, appearing in great pain. The black curtain-like background in the Nine of Swords creates a feeling of oppression. It's late at night, and the man in the image seems to have been awakened by a nightmare, sitting up suddenly to realize that the dream and reality are indistinguishable. He cannot escape his inner fears. The Nine of Swords vividly expresses humanity's deepest fears, most pitiable regrets, and most difficult-to-escape suffering. The Nine of Swords is similar to the Three of Swords in expressing mental anguish, but comparatively, the Nine of Swords more often refers to the querent's inner torment, while the Three of Swords more often indicates troubles and pain from interpersonal relationships. When the Nine of Swords appears in a reading, it predicts that the querent may encounter trouble or is suffering from mental and physical torment. Whether they can overcome this depends on whether they have the courage to face reality.

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