Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Seven of Swords Tarot Card


Evasion, dishonor, solitary actions, sudden ideas, unconventional


Failed plans, dishonor, carelessness, leaked secrets, deception, theft, dishonorable romance


Unexpected good fortune, advice, good counsel, favorable situation

Card Meaning

A man sneaks into a military camp to steal swords, feeling pleased with his success. However, we see that the man has only stolen five swords, leaving two behind. This indicates that while he has weakened his opponent, he has left them with an opportunity to retaliate. Due to fear of enemy retaliation, the man will live in constant anxiety from now on. The Seven of Swords typically symbolizes deception, cunning, betrayal, and dishonorable behavior. The appearance of the Seven of Swords suggests that the person should act with integrity and honesty. One should avoid underhanded actions; while dishonorable deeds may occasionally succeed, they will eventually be exposed. The Seven of Swords also represents lies, rumors, covert actions, and slander.

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