Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Six of Swords Tarot Card


Melancholy, recovery, calmness, moving forward with problems


Difficult path ahead, many problems, little external help, light at the end of the tunnel, lovers on a journey


Hope in sight, isolation or accepting help, overcoming difficulties, declaration of love

Card Meaning

A ferryman and his wife and daughter, struggling to move forward despite numerous obstacles. The Six of Swords represents a journey through difficult times, unyielding resistance, enduring humiliation for a greater cause, and moving forward in the face of danger. One side of the boat faces turbulent waves, while the front of the boat sees calm waters, with the shore not far away. The ferryman holds a long black pole, symbolizing potential. The appearance of the Six of Swords suggests that the person's current situation or experience is not too bad, but not very good either. Retreat is not an option; as long as they keep trying, they will see hope. Another meaning of the Six of Swords is travel, especially travel related to water.

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