Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Five of Swords Tarot Card


Selfishness, discord, conflict, temporary victory, deterioration


Temporary victory, destruction, resignation or dismissal, downfall, self-interest at others' expense, verbal abuse, short-sighted lovers


Ceasing pointless conflicts, unpredictability, defeat, unwillingness, dispirited lovers

Card Meaning

The victor collects the spoils of war, watching the defeated opponents leave with a cold smirk on his face. This is a realistic depiction of struggle, conflict, or war, with the victor standing proudly and the losers hanging their heads in dejection. 'A gentleman is open and poised; a petty person is always worried and anxious.' The victory in the Five of Swords is more about a petty person's temporary success. His victory is only temporary, and morally he is a complete failure, so this victory is meaningless. Although it may satisfy his vanity, he gains almost nothing from this victory except nurturing his ambition and selfishness. The Five of Swords reminds the person to compete fairly, as victory obtained through improper means will only tarnish one's reputation.

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