Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Two of Swords Tarot Card


Suppression, stalemate, avoidance, persistence, inner conflict


Devoted, temporary peace, strong will, escaping reality, awkward situation, major conflict, closed-off lovers


Breaking the deadlock, ending tension, dual personality, self-serving at others' expense, insincere lovers

Card Meaning

A woman in a light gray robe, blindfolded, sits on a stone bench, holding crossed swords in a defensive posture. It's evident that the woman has a closed heart; outwardly she appears calm, but inwardly she's full of contradictions. The white blindfold symbolizes an escape from reality, while the undulating waves behind her reveal her true inner state. The appearance of the Two of Swords means that when faced with a decision, the person is hesitant to make a choice or refuses to decide. The Two of Swords also reminds the person not to avoid but to face the truth. Things are actually not as bad as imagined, and dealing with lingering problems decisively will allow for a lighter journey ahead.

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