The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

The Hierophant Tarot Card


Education, conformity, belief systems, group identity, assistance, tradition


Aid, compassion, generosity, guidance, spiritual fulfillment, rule-following, volunteering, mutual affection


Malicious persuasion, fighting alone, being deceived, interruption of aid, unfulfilled wishes, abandonment, emotional loss

Card Meaning

The Hierophant is the Lamb of God, who reveals and spreads the truth. The Hierophant is, of course, inseparably linked to religion, but unlike the High Priestess, he is not mysterious and aloof; he is worldly, and his task is to spread God's will among the people. If the Emperor is the father who provides material security, then the Hierophant is the spiritual father who provides nourishment for the soul. Spiritual growth is a long and difficult process, and spiritual nurturing is as important as material security. The Hierophant is responsible for our souls, telling us what is moral and what is immoral, what is just and what is unjust, guiding us on the right path.

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