Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Knight of Cups Tarot Card


Romantic, elegant, affected, imaginative, introspective, inner self, sensitive


Romance, new opportunities, life changes, affectation, temptation, emotional, joy from love or being in love


Crisis in calm, deception, debauchery, misconduct, lovesickness, prone to love triangles

Card Meaning

The Knight of Cups is the 'person of love.' Among the 78 tarot cards, the Knight of Cups is best suited to represent love. When this knight falls in love, no one is more passionate or romantic than him. In pursuit of love, no one has more tricks up their sleeve. He is inseparable from his love. However, we should not misunderstand the Knight of Cups as a 'playboy.' In fact, the Knight of Cups' love is pure, and he is very loyal to his family. When predicting issues unrelated to love, the upright Knight of Cups often represents intuition and creativity.

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