Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Ten of Cups Tarot Card


Joy, family, peace, happiness, loved ones


Inner peace, emotional well-being, contentment, satisfaction, reconciliation, family harmony, sweet love


Insecurity, loss of friendship, domestic violence, conflicting relationships, tension with lover

Card Meaning

A couple embraces while children play, with a background of a lush river and a house, depicting a harmonious, happy, and joyful family. The couple from the Two of Cups has weathered storms and finally seen the rainbow, uniting to create a warm family and raise children. Ten cups in the sky form a brilliant rainbow, symbolizing the value of emotions in life and telling us that sincere dedication to others is the key to finding true happiness. Additionally, the Ten of Cups hints at the secret of 'simple living.' While the cups in the Seven of Cups were vessels of desire, the cups in the Ten of Cups return to their original state, telling us to abandon illusions and live with an ordinary heart to find true happiness. In love readings, the upright Ten of Cups may indicate that the querent and their lover are about to enter marriage. For interpersonal relationship questions, it suggests that cooperation and reconciliation are imminent.

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