Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Nine of Cups Tarot Card


Realizing ideals, sensory pleasure, satisfaction, wishes fulfilled


Abundance, happiness, favorable circumstances, success, self-satisfied love


Material loss, mistakes, inner dissatisfaction, lack of moderation, unfinished projects, love crisis

Card Meaning

The man who struggled in the Eight of Cups has finally reaped rewards. He has now found the life he wanted. Behind him, nine cups are neatly arranged, and the man is healthy, wealthy, and content. The main meaning of the Nine of Cups is the fulfillment of 'wishes,' not referring to satisfaction in any specific area, but including various visual, gustatory, and tactile pleasures and satisfactions. When the upright Nine of Cups appears in a reading, it reminds the querent to seek their dreams and pursue them diligently. They will surely achieve their wishes and obtain all the material or spiritual things they desire.

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