Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Weariness, introspection, continuation, pursuit, tranquility
Crossroads, paranoia, giving up halfway, weakness, ceasing efforts, love cooling down or becoming more rational
Celebration, fulfillment, turning point, effort or struggle, receiving an invitation, new romance
Card Meaning
Under a bright moon, a man in red robes leaves behind eight cups that once belonged to him, setting off on an unknown journey. From the image, we can see that while arranging his cups, the red-robed man discovered that he needed one more cup to fill the gap in the middle. He needs to find another cup, which is the reason for his departure. This shows that the red-robed man is a perfectionist; even a small flaw makes him feel regretful. Will this lead him down a path of no return? It's uncertain. From his hunched silhouette and heavy steps, we can also see that he has severe trust issues. On his left, the marsh is dense, symbolizing emotional stagnation. The Eight of Cups has relatively complex meanings, primarily signifying 'abandonment,' but sometimes also symbolizing courageous pursuit in the face of adversity.
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