Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
Fantasy, waste, choice, dreams, desire
Facing choices, lack of practical action, daydreaming, repetition, excessive desires, deception, impure or unrequited love
Making a decision, wise choices, achieving goals soon, strong will, love turning sweet after bitterness
Card Meaning
Beautiful things float above the clouds. Although the person in the picture is only a black silhouette, their greed is evident, as is their fear. The main meaning of the Seven of Cups is desire and extravagance, a strong craving for things that cannot be obtained. In other words, it represents unrealistic thinking, fantasies, and daydreaming. An extended meaning of the Seven of Cups is choice, just like the man in the picture facing seven cups, each full of temptation, but which one should he choose? Another extended meaning is an impure or decadent lifestyle. When the Seven of Cups appears in a reading, it may be reminding the querent to pay attention to the basic logic of life, take practical action, and not be a giant in thought but a dwarf in action.
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