Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Six of Cups Tarot Card


Goodwill, memories, childhood, innocence, nostalgia, safety, stability


Pleasant memories, warmth, nostalgia, reunion, childhood experiences, reminiscence, homesickness, lingering past affections


Good fortune decreasing, focus on the future, farewell to the past, foresight, insecurity, new romance

Card Meaning

The image of two innocent children reminds us of childhood 'playing house' scenes in our hometown. The cups filled with flowers and the beautiful pastoral scenery in the Six of Cups evoke strong feelings of nostalgia. It represents our roots, pulling at our heartstrings. Memories and homesickness are the main meanings of the Six of Cups, representing people and things related to the past, a strong sense of homesickness, and an lingering nostalgic mood. The detail of the little boy and girl offering flowers in the picture is a sign of generous giving, reminding us that giving and sincerity are essential for fostering friendships.

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