Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Self-absorption, contemplation, apathy, choice, observation, dissatisfaction
Missed opportunities, lack of confidence, rejection, indifference, boredom, physical and mental exhaustion, lost chance for love or extramarital affair
New interpersonal relationships, vitality, new opportunities, emerging from a low period, new romance
Card Meaning
In the Four of Cups image, a man sits under a tree, looking somewhat listless. He closes his eyes, bored, while a hand from the clouds extends a cup in a friendly gesture. He remains unmoved, even ignoring the three cups in front of him. Generally, the three cups in front symbolize past experiences, while the cup from the clouds represents hope. Perhaps past experiences have made him feel hopeless about the future, or he's dwelling on past sorrows, so he's distrustful of new hope. For him, life is a heavy burden, and due to past hurts, he's very guarded, so he tries to remain indifferent to life. In a reading, the Four of Cups can sometimes represent an extramarital affair or the arrival of new opportunities, or it may suggest a period of weighing options before a new opportunity arrives.
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