Three of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
Joy, celebration together, harvest, feeling of prosperity, group, friendship
Cooperation, need for decision-making, cause for celebration, reconciliation, friendship, recovery, marital happiness, lovers' reconciliation
Unapproachable, debauchery, excess, joy turning to sorrow, overindulgence, delays, lovers growing weary
Card Meaning
Three women wearing floral wreaths form a circle, raising their cups high. The whole scene exudes a harvest festival atmosphere. The women are dressed differently but similarly styled, with different hair colors, yet all have joyful and content expressions. This indicates an equal relationship between them, reminding us how wonderful and harmonious the world can be, and how full of hope our living place is. The Three of Cups often refers to emotionally connected groups, such as classmates, families, or family businesses. It also strongly implies celebration, such as weddings, feasts, or gatherings based on emotional bonds. In a reading, the Three of Cups suggests that the querent must set aside selfishness in the matter at hand; only sincere cooperation can lead to a win-win situation. Additionally, while emphasizing friendship and unity, the Three of Cups sometimes also implies competition and stalemate.
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