Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Ace of Cups Tarot Card


Emotional impact, intimacy, intuition, love, emotional investment


Bold pursuit, smooth harvest, sense of happiness, budding love, intimacy, true intuition, love, emotional investment


Hypocrisy, lack of love, uncertain relationship, hidden worries in joy, unhappiness, disappointment, unrequited love

Card Meaning

The Cup, originally referring to the vessel used by Christ at the Last Supper, was later used to hold Christ's blood after his crucifixion. Thus, the Cup is sacred, implying that human emotions and souls are equally sacred, with nothing being more important than the awakening of the soul. The Ace of Cups often symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship or friendship, where everything seems beautiful, warm, and full of hope. In the image, the white dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit in Catholicism. It carries the holy wafer, which represents Christ's body. The five streams of water flowing from the cup represent the five human senses, while the water lily symbolizes the awakening of the human soul. In a reading, if the querent's question doesn't involve relationships, the Ace of Cups reminds them to invest appropriate emotions when solving problems.

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