Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Ten of Wands Tarot Card


Excessive display, struggle, endurance, oppression, overburdened with responsibility


Success comes at a price, strong beliefs, sense of responsibility, hard work pays off, emotional unrest, unrequited love eventually bears fruit


Overwhelming pressure, near breakdown, difficulty in continuing, choosing to give up, dishonesty, abandoning feelings due to lack of confidence

Card Meaning

The man in the image is a perfect portrayal of modern life. We see the man moving forward with determined steps, although his shoulders bear a thousand pounds of weight. His chest is filled with grand ambitions, and he is close to his goal. The Ten of Wands indicates that 'no one can succeed casually.' At the same time, we should also see that the man seems to be overburdened. If it's so difficult, why not put down the load and rest for a while? This is just like our lives, busy all day long, but what we pursue are actually just external things. It's truly putting the cart before the horse to focus too much on fame and fortune while neglecting inner pursuits.

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