Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Victory, pride, praise, hero
Full of confidence, achieving victory, triumphant return, honor and accolades, academic success, positive outcome in love
Bad news, fear, opponent's victory, dishonest dealings, delayed income, supporting role, failure in love
Card Meaning
The Six of Wands reminds me of the Chariot card in the Major Arcana. Compared to the Chariot, the man's victory in the Six of Wands is more specific and worldly, representing an excellent image of a strong person in life. In the image, a young man wearing a victory wreath rides a white horse in triumphant return, surrounded by flowers and applause. Having won the war, he has earned the respect of his troops and can return to receive the king's reward. The white horse and his green velvet robe represent strength, while the red outer garment symbolizes his enthusiasm and fighting spirit.
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