Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Three of Wands Tarot Card


Adventure, leadership, foresight, travel, new beginnings


Leadership, success, intellect, smooth trade, favorable coordination, well-matched marriage, love based on material foundation


Stubbornness, bad luck, loss, lack of foresight, lack of consensus, delays, termination, troubles in love

Card Meaning

A successful merchant stands atop a mountain, watching his ships laden with goods set sail for distant lands. This scene resembles a moment from the ancient maritime Silk Road. The calm sea predicts a smooth journey for the merchant, while the golden background symbolizes a bright future. In divination, the upright Three of Wands often suggests promising investment prospects, trustworthy business partners, and foreseeable success in ventures. It also encourages an exploratory spirit. In matters of the heart, this card often indicates success, but suggests that marriage or love is heavily influenced by material factors.

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