Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Two of Wands Tarot Card


Personal charm, innovation, courage, analysis, mastery


Power or might, wealth, correct handling of affairs, new life, achieving success, strong will, finding love


Trouble or accidents, illness, lament, poverty, restricted actions, irrationality causing love troubles

Card Meaning

A man in red clothing overlooks his domain, his gaze reaching the endless ocean. The Two of Wands is similar to the Magician in the Major Arcana, possessing strong self-control and endless energy, praising the courage and greatness of individual life. Unlike the Magician's innate energy, the energy in the Two of Wands has a sense of aggression and hostility. The figure in the image appears to be a bishop, wearing red clothes symbolizing the passion for battle. The wand fastened to the wall with an iron ring on the right represents undoubted ability, while the mysterious crystal ball symbolizes potential. In divination, the appearance of the Two of Wands indicates that dreams are being realized step by step through effort, but it also reminds one to analyze the situation calmly and avoid rash decisions.

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