Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Ace of Wands Tarot Card


Creativity, confidence, passion, courage, inspiration, action begins


Aggression, change and courage, significant beginnings, seizing opportunities, lucky start, birth of a boy, new romance


False start, no light at the end of the tunnel, cancellation, obstacles, poor health, interpersonal relationship troubles, heartache in love

Card Meaning

All Aces represent a new beginning. 'One' is the start and everything, the source of all energy flow. A strong hand extends from the clouds, gripping a wand, as if saying, 'Success comes to those who dare to act!' In the image, the wand represents energy, the white light symbolizes supreme power, and the distant castle is a symbol of success. The Ace of Wands represents a good start for a new plan or action. In divination, the appearance of the Ace of Wands suggests that the querent is facing new opportunities; success can be achieved through effort and bold action. Any form of giving up or hesitation is inadvisable. When reversed, the Ace of Wands generally implies obstructed plans and various forms of delays or hindrances.

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