The World Tarot Card Meaning

Integration, participation, achievement, fulfillment, completion, perfection
Achievement, luck, bright future, beauty, reputation, international travel, noble character, lovers united
Incompletion, setbacks, inadequate preparation, inability to fulfill promises, mental relaxation, futile efforts, emotional setbacks
Card Meaning
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana. After judgment, evil has been eliminated, hearts turn to goodness, and the world tends towards harmony and perfection. From now on, there will be no more reincarnation or suffering in the world. All beautiful wishes have been fulfilled, and celebration begins. The goddess dancing gracefully in the laurel wreath, with a calm expression and relaxed demeanor, suggests that all desires have been achieved. The 'world' in this card refers to a state of beauty and harmony, also indicating that the secular world has become a world of spiritual peace. We must have a grateful heart and fully engage ourselves for obstacles to be removed and to find a beautiful new world.
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