Judgement Tarot Card Meaning

Judgement Tarot Card


Judgement, resurrection, awakening, knowing the result, inner voice, rebirth, salvation


Resurrection, forgiveness, crisis resolution, health recovery, emergence, promotion, clarity of situation


Disillusionment, inability to recover, self-deception, ambiguity, cowardice, rejection, lingering yet irretrievable love

Card Meaning

The Judgement card is one of renewal, perfectly described by the phrase 'My end is my beginning.' In Christian belief, on Judgment Day, good will be rewarded and evil punished. This card vividly depicts the scene of Judgment Day. In the image, we see sleeping souls resurrected by the angel's forgiveness, all raising their hands to accept the angel's guidance. The winged angel blows a golden trumpet in the clouds, symbolizing that sincere repentance leads to rebirth, and only by following the right path can one welcome a beautiful new world. This embodies the core teachings of Christianity. In divination, the Judgement card reminds the querent that after judgment, the impurities that have entangled our souls will leave us, and a new life will begin.

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