The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

The High Priestess Tarot Card


Potential, intuition, intelligence, mystery, passivity, stillness


Potential, silence and perseverance, deep thought, keen insight, accurate intuition, calm romance


Pickiness, greed, short-sightedness, inappropriate passion, arrogance, unrequited love

Card Meaning

If the Magician symbolizes yang, then the High Priestess symbolizes yin, representing the submerged and hidden aspects. The High Priestess has deep thoughts and seems somewhat mysterious. With a crescent moon at her feet and a crown on her head, everything is within her grasp. The High Priestess has keen intuition and understands matters of the mystical realm more thoroughly and profoundly than anyone else. The High Priestess focuses on spiritual growth, but regarding emotions, she often adopts an indifferent or avoidant attitude. When this card appears in a reading, it may be reminding the querent to observe quietly and act according to intuition as the way to solve problems, that is, to listen to the hidden call of the heart.

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