The Sun Tarot Card Meaning

The Sun Tarot Card


Success, freedom, happiness, community, vitality


Happiness, greatness, success, making good friends, enthusiasm, full of vitality, positivity, blessed love


Willfulness, failure, unemployment, gullibility, loneliness, trouble, jealousy, low spirits, ending friendships, failed relationships

Card Meaning

A little angel joyfully comes to the human world, bestowing blessings upon humanity. The Sun card expresses the joy that the sun and light bring to life. All things grow depending on the sun; it is the source of life and the wellspring of all growth. The little boy in the image is naked, riding a horse, dancing with joy, carefree and full of innocence. Although there are no reins on the horse, he still controls it effortlessly, indicating that he is a supernatural spirit with omnipresent power, able to control everything at will. The Sun card is filled with all positive and active forces. When the upright Sun card appears in a reading, it suggests that the querent is on a bright path, with smooth sailing ahead and great success in all endeavors. The reversed Sun card still carries the meaning of the upright position, just to a slightly lesser degree.

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