The Moon Tarot Card Meaning

Fear, imagination, fantasy, confusion, anxiety, changeability, stereotypes
Fickleness, confusion, unease, lies, fear, betrayal, leaking secrets, slander, ambiguity, lack of security in love
Clearing up misunderstandings, inconsistency, farsightedness, overcoming difficulties, exposed lies, breaking free from impure emotional experiences
Card Meaning
In tarot, the Moon is a card with a yin nature. It is changeable, voyeuristic, and fond of lying. Under its ambiguous veil, temptation is everywhere, and so is danger. In the image, there's a pensive, witch-like old woman's face in the moon, looking at you gloomily without offering any hope. Her gaze unsettles your soul, and an ominous force rises from within, causing you to lose direction unknowingly. At the bottom of the image, two dogs also sense the unease and howl under the moon. Even the scorpion in the water crawls ashore. The entire scene is filled with tension, ambiguity, confusion, and anxiety - all caused by the Moon. In Western culture, the moon symbolizes magic. When the Moon card appears in a reading, it reminds the querent that they may be on a path of confusion or wrong direction and should find the right direction and focus on their goals promptly.
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