The Tower Tarot Card Meaning

The Tower Tarot Card


Sudden change, catastrophe, destruction, falling, release


Disaster, collapse of beliefs, destruction, playing with fire, danger, damage to reputation, unexpected bad news, heartbreak


Easy resolution of accidents or troubles, minor disasters, taking the blame, lingering aftereffects, relationships on the verge of breaking

Card Meaning

Like a thunderbolt from a clear sky; two arrogant figures suddenly fall from a great height, and the seemingly solid castle appears to be on the verge of collapse. The Tower represents the material world, symbolizing various aspects of 'evil' in secular life. The lightning with its immense destructive power is heaven's punishment. When heaven becomes angry, humans appear insignificant. In the Major Arcana, the Tower is one of the most discussed 'bad cards,' with strong religious connotations. Looking at the image alone can bring negative psychological projections to the querent. However, we should also see the positive meaning of this card. Without destruction, how can there be construction? When evil in the human heart reaches its limit, goodness will sprout. This is the natural law of the soul. When this card appears in a reading, it generally reminds the querent not to indulge in pleasure but to focus on introspection of the soul.

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