The Devil Tarot Card Meaning

The Devil Tarot Card


Bondage, ignorance, materialism, desperation, desire, addiction


Despair, obstruction, wrong path, downfall, weak will, indulgence in desires, deception, hopeless love that one cannot escape


Liberation, emerging from darkness, leaving impure friends, rejecting evil, making a comeback, freedom, love taking a turn for the better

Card Meaning

The Devil card is widely recognized as one of the 'bad cards' in the tarot deck. The menacing devil, high above, watches over the men and women in the mortal world who are burdened by love, money, and profit, tempting them towards spiritual degradation. Temptation, indulgence, and downfall are the main meanings of the Devil card. Indeed, temptations are everywhere in life, but the key is whether you can resist them and maintain a self-disciplined and self-loving attitude towards life. The chains are loosely hung around the couple's necks, indicating that they willingly succumb to temptation and are enslaved by the devil. When this card appears in a reading, it means you are currently addicted to some bad habit or vice and cannot break free. The card reminds you to maintain self-reflection and self-discipline.

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